American Technologies Network Corp., makers of military, law enforcement, security and outdoor night vision and thermal applications, have launched their latest online product catalog, with a twist; it aids customers in their search for the perfect night vision optic intuitively. The ATN Interactive Catalog is an online tool that gets down to business and helps find which NVG is right for the customer’s mission. A customer makes certain decisions within the easy-to-use online catalog and the tool leads him to his ultimate goal, an ATN product that fits his needs and budget.
The ATN website is the first step where a customer can click on the Interactive Catalog right on the home page. The customer can then search by type, use or price. Clicking on “type” will lead to four uses; security, hunting, camping or boating. All ATN products are grouped by use, making it much simpler for a customer to determine the right product model for a given activity. Under each category, the customer has an opportunity to review a variety of products or further define the search by price. Click the preferred price and the entire product line within that price range is shown. Pick a product and the product’s full description, specifications and optional accessories become available.
ATN’s retail partners are also finding the ATN Interactive Catalog benefiting customers. Alex Elkin of Outdoors Bay, LLC of Metuchen, New Jersey wrote, “In the last two weeks of having this (ATN Interactive Catalog) wizard on our website, we’ve seen many results; it’s really helpful for our customers, in that, the customer can easily pick any of the items out of hundreds of them listed on the website by price, usage and category. With other optical goods available on the market it’s not so easy to make a right decision. The ATN Interactive Catalog simplifies this task. This product clearly demonstrates that ATN is leading the night vision market today with this interactive product promoting ATN night vision devices and the professional support for dealers by ATN staff.”
Optics Planet, another one of ATN’s distributors recently awarded ATN the 2012 user-voted Brilliance Award for Night Vision Brand of the Year. This award recognizes “exceptional product quality, innovative technology, dependability and all-around awesomeness” of product and ATN’s commitment to dealer and customer support through their innovative technologies such as their Interactive Catalog.
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