Portion of GunStock Proceeds Benefit GCA Charity Partner of the Year, The Pathway Home, a Non-Profit, Residential Recovery Program for Veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
The Gun Club of America (GCA) recently presented a generous check in the amount of $13,049.50 to the GCA Charity of the Year The Pathway Home. The donation amount was successfully raised through the sales of raffle and auction tickets, as well as a portion of the attendance fees, from GCA and American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI)’s fourth annual event, GunStock. The event was held at the Stillwater Firearms Association (SFA) Range in Fallon, Nevada in June of 2012. Although the event is over, the GCA and AGI are still receiving donations for this worthy charity. The Pathway Home is a Yountville, California non-profit, residential recovery program for returning veterans and active duty members of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars who deal with the challenges of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS).
“The Pathway Home is truly honored to have been the charity partner of GunStock this year. Our thanks go to (President of AGI and GCA) Gene Kelly and all of the great folks at AGI for producing this event and crafting creative ways for their guests and participants to support our residential program,” commented Fred Gusman, Founder and Executive Director of The Pathway Home. “Not only did GunStock raise over $13,000 for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, it introduced The Pathway Home to an entirely new audience. On behalf of our Board of Directors, staff and most importantly, our residents, thank you.”
“The Gun Club of America and AGI are thrilled that we could raise money and awareness for this worthy cause. We are very fortunate to have such great members. We are pleased to announce that these great men and women donated thousands of dollars toward treating the veterans in The Pathway Home program. We also had a great number of wonderful vendors who helped to support this cause and we wish to thank them as well,” remarked Gene Kelly.
GunStock had over 20 manufacturers come out and support not only the event, but also the Pathway Home. These manufacturers are:
- 4-D Reamers
- American Gunsmithing Institute
- Ammo Up
- ArmaLite
- Babes with Bullets
- Cabela’s
- Chiappa Firearms
- Freeze Dry Guy
- GunTech
- Gun Tote’n Mamas
- Hot Brass
- Holland’s Gunsmithing and Shooters Supply
- Majestic Arms
- Nemesis Arms
- Ohio Ordnance Works Inc.
- Redring, the Shotgun Sight
- Ruger
- Sentry Solutions
- Shuey Custom
- Super Brush LLC
The Pathway Home is a program to provide our nation’s “New Warriors” with the tools needed to manage mental health issues which arose during and after military deployment to Afghanistan and Iraq, so they can effectively complete educational programs, gain employment, maintain healthy personal relationships and successfully reintegrate into society. This successful program has already assisted over 320 severely impacted veterans and 150 family members. Although located on the grounds of the Veterans Home in Yountville, CA, it is not affiliated with the VA, nor does it receive any government funding.
Kelly continued, “Quite simply, The Pathway Home is saving and restoring the lives of our veterans. On average, over 18 untreated Iraq /Afghanistan war veterans are taking their own lives due to PTSD, brain trauma and other disorders EVERY SINGLE DAY! The loss of life of these returning vets is simply something we have to work to eliminate. The Pathway Home is successfully treating these men, but tens of thousands more need help. Please support this organization.”
The Pathway Home is the only program of its kind in California licensed as a Social Rehabilitation Facility and certified by the Department of Mental Health to operate a residential treatment program for PTS and war-related TBI.
GunStock is a three day event held by the Gun Club of America where GCA members can attend numerous hands-on, how-to firearms training sessions, clinics and seminars.
If you were unable to attend GunStock and would still like to make a donation to The Pathway Home, it’s not too late to make a difference! To donate to this worthy cause, call the Gun Club of America at 1-800-435-GCOA (4262), or go to www.thepathwayhome.org.
Not a GCA member yet? Call to join at 1-800-435-4262 or go to www.JoinGCA.com.
About the Gun Club of America (GCA):
The Gun Club of America is the fraternity for firearms enthusiasts. Our members experience camaraderie and fellowship, savings and education, receiving valuable firearms information, online forums and special events not available elsewhere. For more info go to www.joinGCA.com or call 1-800-435-GCOA (4262).
About The Pathway Home:
The Pathway Home is a non-profit, residential recovery program for veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq who deal with the challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Our mission is to provide returning veterans and active duty members with the tools needed to manage mental health issues that arose during and after military deployment, so they can effectively complete educational programs; gain employment; maintain healthy personal relationships; and successfully reintegrate into society. www.thepathwayhome.org