The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) invites all law enforcement, federal, military and EMS officers to attend the 31st Annual Tactical Operations Conference & Trade Show. There is no charge to walk the trade show floor, officers must simply show proper credentials. The Conference & Trade Show is open Sunday, September 21st and Monday, September 22nd, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center in Mobile, Alabama.
The exhibit hall will house over 175 top-notch vendors featuring the latest in law enforcement technology and equipment, including apparel, body armor/personal protection, communications, firearms and ammunition, fitness equipment, footwear, nylon gear, surveillance/electronics, TEMS gear, training equipment, vehicles and WMD. To see a current list of exhibitors, please visit
Registration for the conference and trade show tracks is open to all active law enforcement officers. Members of a state tactical association receive a $50 discount upon receipt of a state association ID via fax (215-230-7616) or email ( Send six officers from the same agency or multi-jurisdictional team and the seventh officer’s conference registration is free.
For more information on the 31st Annual Tactical Operations Conference & Trade Show visit For more information on the National Tactical Officers Association visit or call 800-279-9127.