Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs September 18, 2019 Parabon® NanoLabs to Attend the International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI30) Parabon® to exhibit at Booth 124, and its Chief Genetic Genealogist, CeCe Moore, will deliver… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs May 8, 2019 Parabon® Customers Net 55 Solved Cases in First Year of Snapshot® Genetic Genealogy Service New DNA technology helps crack cases that otherwise may have never been solved Reston, Va.… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs March 19, 2019 Parabon Helps Investigators Solve 1,000 Years of Cold Cases in 9 Months One case solve per week on cases over 20 years cold; four in the past… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs February 22, 2019 Parabon® NanoLabs to Exhibit at the 50th Annual California Homicide Investigators Association (CHIA) Training Conference The 50th Anniversary event will be held at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas,… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs January 18, 2019 Parabon® Snapshot DNA Analysis Assist with 32 Positive Identifications in 2018 New Year’s Eve ID Caps Off Record-Breaking Year of Cold Case Solves Reston, Va. (18… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs September 24, 2018 Parabon® NanoLabs to Attend the International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI29) Parabon® will exhibit, present a scientific poster and its Lead Genetic Genealogist, CeCe Moore, will… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesNews ReelParabon Nanolabs September 18, 2018 Parabon® Announces 10th Solved Case in First 100 Days of Snapshot® Genetic Genealogy Service Combination of emerging DNA technologies ignites unprecedented closing spree. Reston, Va. (18 Sep 2018) —… lauraburgessmarketing Love0