Featured ArticlesNews Reel January 24, 2013 G4S International Training Inc. – Virginia Facility to Teach New Course: IDPA 2.0 on April 15th, 2013 G4S International Training, Inc. (G4S ITI), a training company of G4S GS, and providers of… lauraburgess Love0
Featured ArticlesNews Reel November 14, 2012 GARY BYERLY OF TEAM ITI WINS CDP DIVISION FOR FIRST TWO MATCHES OF 2012 IDPA TRIPLE CROWN; PLACES 2ND IN CDP DIVISION FOR THIRD MATCH SHACKLEFORDS, VA (October 2012) The 2012 IDPA Triple Crown, held in Oxford, NC November 10th… lauraburgess Love0
Featured ArticlesNews Reel October 30, 2012 TEAM ITI WINS ESP DIVISION AND HIGH LADY TITLES AT IDPA AND USPSA SANCTIONED MATCHES Team International Training, Inc. (ITI) members performed well this past weekend at IDPA and USPSA sanctioned matches.… lauraburgess Love0
Featured ArticlesNews Reel October 10, 2012 TEAM ITI TAKES TOP TITLES SIMULTANEOUSLY AT IDPA AND USPSA MATCHES Team International Training, Inc. (ITI) members took home top titles this past weekend at IDPA and USPSA… lauraburgess Love0
Featured ArticlesNews Reel September 25, 2012 TEAM ITI SHOWS STRONG AT 2012 IDPA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Team International Training, Inc. (ITI) members had a strong showing this past weekend at the… lauraburgess Love0
Featured ArticlesNews Reel August 16, 2012 TEAM ITI BRINGS HOME SEVERAL TITLES FROM USPSA AREA 8 AND NC STATE IDPA CHAMPIONSHIPS Team International Training, Inc. (ITI) members performed strongly this past weekend at the USPSA Area… lauraburgess Love0