The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) has generously donated $4,500 to the 2015 SWAT Round Up International and the Florida SWAT Association to be put toward the SWAT Round Up Registration Fee Scholarship. This scholarship will help four SWAT and ERT teams cover the cost to attend the event. The 33rd Annual SWAT Round-Up International will take place at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Firing Range in Orlando, Florida on Nov. 8 – 13, 2015.
Four teams have been selected to receive the Registration Fee Scholarship:
- Statesboro (GA) Police ERT
- Ithaca (NY) Police SWAT
- Harrisonburg (VA) Police SWAT
- Illinois State Police SWAT
More than just a training event or a pulse-pounding competition, SWAT Round-Up is a sum greater than its parts. Ultimately, it is an opportunity for operators around the globe to come together and learn from each other. The training and education program is a vital component of the SWAT Round-Up International experience. Training for 2015 will be conducted by nationally renowned instructors and will include numerous relevant courses for SWAT and ERTs.
For more information on the National Tactical Officers Association, visit or call 800-279-9127. Join the NTOA today and start receiving the benefits of better training and stay on top of the ever-changing and challenging world of law enforcement.