The ColorTAC™ the night vision clip-on from Chromatra that turns green to color
will be exhibited at the TNVC booth #6502 during the 2017 SHOT Show.
Beverly, Mass. (January 2017) – Chromatra, LLC, the innovator behind the design and manufacture of real color capable night vision, announces its new product, ColorTAC™, the affordable Clip-on technology that lets you see color through your existing PVS-14 night vision device, will debut at the SHOT Show at the Tactical Night Vision Company’s booth (#6502).
“The patented technology of ColorTAC is a game-changer for law enforcement and military units around the world and will allow them to effectively monitor and manage emergency responses through the ability to see full color in low light conditions,” Paul Stump, CEO of Chromatra explained. “Being able to see color at night helps first responders to positively ID persons, terrain, and trauma, and greatly improves situational awareness.”

rTAC CVA-14 easily clips on to any existing PVS-14 (Product in photo may not represent final production product).
The patented ColorTAC technology converts the monochromatic green or white phosphor image seen through night vision devices to color. Adding color to the formerly monochromatic image can minimize traditional NVG disadvantages such as disorientation, fatigue, headaches and missed trauma cues. ColorTAC is a lightweight, quick to attach analog unit that fits over any PVS-14 NVG, allowing the user to instantly see color in low light conditions. The ColorTAC unit can operate in extreme environments, is easily deployable, exceeds market battery life requirements and is affordable. The unit takes just seconds to attach, and folds quickly and compactly for storage or transportation,
The new ColorTAC units are only available to law enforcement and interested agencies are encouraged to contact Chromatra to set up an appointment at the TNVC booth #6502 and see the color they’ve been missing. Contact (978) 473-7005 x103 to set up an appointment at the SHOT Show, or email us at chromsls@Chromatra.com.
The SHOT Show, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 17 – 20, 2017, is one of the largest outdoor and sporting goods shows with a large array of guns and gear for the outdoor enthusiast, law enforcement and tactical operator.
About Chromatra, LLC:
Chromatra, LLC, was established in 2014 by an experienced management team with deep background in the design, manufacture and sales of complex electro-mechanical and optical products for the military and commercial sales. Its first product is the ColorTAC™. ColorTAC, when used in conjunction with the over 1-million night vision devices in the market today, provides the user with, simply, a color image. For those who rely on NVGs to perform their job, the ability to see what’s missing can be the difference between life and death.