Filed in Broward County, Florida at the end of 2016 in response to a lawsuit Finish First Tactical filed against Kalashnikov USA and Premax Manufacturing, Kalashnikov USA seeks compensation for breach of contract and non-disclosure agreement by Finish First Tactical.
Pompano Beach, Fla. (January 2017) – Kalashnikov USA answered the lawsuit filed by Finish First Tactical, LLC with a countersuit. Finish First Tactical made public its lawsuit against firearms manufacturer, Kalashnikov USA and a subcontractor, Premax Manufacturing in October 2016 alleging that Kalashnikov USA and Premax breached a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with Finish First Tactical and began a relationship, which in essence, cut out Finish First Tactical.
The million dollar countersuit by Kalashnikov USA filed December 30, 2016 demonstrates that Kalashnikov USA hired Finish Tactical to manufacture parts for the new American-made Kalashnikov rifles and shotguns. The new claims made by Kalashnikov USA in Broward County Court holds that Finish First Tactical breached the agreement in a number of ways including complete failure to perform, violation of a non-disclosure agreement and fraud.
The initial NDA signed by Finish First Tactical and Kalashnikov USA established a number of restrictions, including non-disclosure of confidential information such as design specifications. Finish First Tactical agreed to supply the specified parts at agreed upon prices and schedules. Without authorization from Kalashnikov USA, and with full knowledge they could not supply the parts, Finish First Tactical engaged a third party manufacturer, Premax Manufacturing to produce the parts. Even after, in good faith, Kalashnikov USA advanced Finish First Tactical substantial funds to encourage them to complete their contract, Finish First Tactical retained the advances and failed to supply product or return of the funds.
The ongoing actions by Finish First Tactical, including misrepresentation, sharing of confidential information and engaging in unfair acts and practices have resulted in Kalashnikov USA seeking damages against Finish First Tactical exceeding $1 million and dismissal of their initial suit.
About Kalashnikov USA:
Headquartered in Pompano Beach, Florida, Kalashnikov-USA is the American designer and manufacturer of the iconic firearms platform. Using state-of-the art engineering and the latest in firearms technologies, KUSA is positioned to become a leader in American made AK platforms for the rifle, shotgun and pistol. Built on Russian Heritage using American Innovation, Kalashnikov USA firearms will exceed your expectations of how a firearm should perform. www.kalashnikov-usa.com