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National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) Introduces a New Two-Day Night Vision Operators Course

The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) is pleased to introduce a brand new two-day Night Vision Operators course to its training course load. This course will provide a strong foundation for night_vision_operatorsthe use of night vision equipment and its role in law enforcement tactical operations. Through classroom discussions, practical exercises, live-fire range drills and scenario-based exercises using marking rounds, NTOA trainers will cover a systematic approach to equipment selection, its use and benefits, as well as its limitations and operational considerations.

Upon completion, students will understand the nomenclature, function and operation of various night vision monoculars, goggles and binoculars, as well as various infrared laser sighting systems, the benefits and limitations of night vision devices and associated equipment, and the dangers presented by infrared laser devices to eye safety. Students will also discuss the importance of developing an adequate and defensible night vision training program.

For more information on this course, contact or call 800-279-9127 ext 2. For more information on the National Tactical Officers Association visit www.ntoa.orgor call 800-279-9127.