Tacprogear (TPG), a leading manufacturer of tactical equipment used by professionals around the globe, will be exhibiting new products from the TPG and TPG BLACK line at the 32nd Annual SWAT Round-Up International to be held at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Firing Range in Orlando, Florida, November 11th – 14th, 2014. TPG will be exhibiting in Booth 18N.
More than just a training event or a pulse-pounding competition, SWAT Round-Up International is a sum greater than its parts. Ultimately, it is an opportunity for operators around the globe to come together as one to learn from each other. The training and education program is a vital component of the SWAT Round-Up International experience. Training for 2014 will be conducted by nationally renowned instructors and will include numerous relevant courses for SWAT and ERTs.
“The SWAT Round-Up International is a truly unique, intense experience,” commented Dan Lounsbury, CEO of TPG and TPG BLACK. “More than just a vendor show, the SWAT Round-Up International brings together a global community of tactical operators for training and competition. It is a great environment for TPG and TPG BLACK to be in and we feel completely at home exhibiting here. We are excited to showcase our great products to these dedicated men and women.”
TPG and TPG BLACK will be exhibiting a variety of new products designed for SWAT Operators and tactical LE professionals. Products on display from TPG include the Rapid Assault Plate Carrier line, various ballistic vests and plates from the BLACK line, the Spec-Ops Assault Pack line and much more.
For more information on any of the Tacprogear product line, visit www.tacprogear.com or www.tpgblack.com.