Featured ArticlesFull ConcealNews Reel April 5, 2018 Convert Your GLOCK® to a FULL CONCEAL™ M3D Got a GLOCK® 19/23/25/32/38 pistol (Gen 3/4 only) and want more concealability, comfort, safety,and firepower?… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesFull ConcealNews Reel February 27, 2018 From Concept to FULL CONCEAL™ (Max Firepower), the Story Behind the Idea The company that created the semi-auto folding pistol design to fill a need in a… lauraburgessmarketing Love0
Featured ArticlesFull ConcealNews Reel January 17, 2018 FULL CONCEAL™’s Newest Folding Semi-Auto Pistol: the M3G43 Imagine a thin single stack 9mm subcompact pistol going ‘Super Subcompact’ (about 3” x 6”),… lauraburgessmarketing Love0