Ammunition Depot takes the wait out of rebate with their Instant Reward Program for Black Friday through Cyber Monday, Nov. 22 – 26, 2018.
Boca Raton, Fla. (November 2018) – Ammunition Depot, your online ammunition and gear site (and now firearms too!), is stepping up their Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals with some instant gratification with their new Instant Reward. Starting Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday, Nov. 26, get 20 percent off Ammunition Depot’s most popular products with low, free shipping offers every day.
But wait, there is more! Shop anytime from Thursday, Nov. 22 through Dec. 2, 2018 and get your Instant Reward by spending $250 or more. Your Instant Reward, valued at $50, is a Tac-sling of your choice, PLUS a $15 gift card. No wait for rebate, your Instant Reward will be included in your order.
“Every online retailer puts together something for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and Ammunition Depot was no different,” Scott Blick, managing partner for Ammunition Depot, remarked. “But then we realized, we don’t like to go through the process of filling out forms or sending copies of receipts and waiting for our rebates from our Black Friday shopping personally, and neither do our customers. So, let’s give our customers an Instant Reward for their loyalty!”
Ammunition Depot’s website is open for orders 24/7/365 and phone hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Ammunition is shipped via ground shipping as per Federal law and is guaranteed to be delivered within 14 days or less.
Visit Ammunition Depot for all your ammunition needs at www.ammunitiondepot.com.
About Ammunition Depot:
Ammunition Depot was founded by freedom-loving Americans committed to American’s right and responsibility to defend themselves, their families and their country. Ammunition Depot’s goal and promise is to provide to the American public high-quality ammunition at the lowest possible price with the best customer service they have ever experienced, period.
As Ammunition Depot has grown over the years, we have been able to create numerous jobs for hard-working Americans in our home state of Florida, as well as help many charities and foundations that support our troops, law enforcement and the shooting sports. Our plan is to keep growing, keep creating jobs, keep giving and keep Ammunition Depot strong so that we can deliver the same great products and same great service for decades to come. www.ammunitiondepot.com