Winchester, Ky. (January 2017) – DoubleStar Corp, manufacturer of high-quality, US-made AR components, rifles and pistols, has signed with Laura Burgess Marketing to help build brand awareness through content development and management as well as writer relations.
“DoubleStar is the embodiment of the American Dream, it’s a family-owned and operated business founded on hard work and a commitment to provide the best products and services possible,” Laura Burgess, CEO of Laura Burgess Marketing said. “We are thrilled to represent a brand that is growing by leaps and bounds and can’t wait to get DoubleStar on the radar of more Americans who love guns.”
“We discovered, as we continued to evolve as a company and increase our product offerings, that we needed a partner that had a deep knowledge of the industry and well-developed relationships within the media,” said Nick Collier, Director of Special Operations for DoubleStar. “There’s nobody better than LBM when it comes to that and we’re confident they’ll be able to help us to grow and add to the success we’ve already had.”
About DoubleStar Corp.:
DoubleStar Corp., located in Winchester, Kentucky, was formed when customers of J&T Distributing, a leading supplier of thousands of AR parts and accessories, requested complete rifles and pistols crafted from the same high-quality, U.S.-made components. DoubleStar now supplies not only the commercial market but military and law enforcement forces across the world with rugged and dependable firearms.