Mike Seeklander of Shooting-Performance to host a Live Stream on Defensive Handgun- Concealed Carry Draw and Holster Selection on Wednesday, September 16, at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. CDT. Every Wednesday, Seeklander hosts a new program via Facebook Live.
Owasso, Okla. (September 2020) – Shooting-Performance, Inc. Mike Seeklander will host a Facebook Live Stream on Wednesday, September 16, at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. CDT on Shooting-Performance’s Facebook Page.
The Live Stream course: Defensive Handgun – Concealed Carry Draw Tips and Holster Selection, will cover the details of drawing a handgun from concealment from both strong side and appendix positions under stress.
Seeklander will demonstrate self-defense skills and drills for beginners and seasoned conceal carry persons. In addition, Seeklander will discuss holster choices for conceal carry and the features and benefits offered by different styles and different ways of carry. For the Facebook Live Stream, attendees will need a handgun (preferably a SIRT or Coolfire), holster and wear a concealment garment. Don’t have a SIRT? Visit https://nextleveltraining.com and use “Seeklander” as your special code. For Coolfire, visit https://www.coolfire.com and use “AWSSP19” as your special code for purchase.
“This is a great opportunity for anyone and everyone, who wants to take a defensive handgun course and isn’t ready to hit the range due to COVID-19,” Mike Seeklander, founder and CEO of Shooting-Performance said. “This hour-long Facebook Live will give students a chance to see what Shooting-Performance offers in a condensed, live training event. Every Wednesday, I offer a new Facebook Live course and students can sign-up right on Facebook and get reminders of new Live Stream courses. These Facebook Live courses are a great way to introduce people to the larger coursework online and a chance to interact with me.”
For more information on Shooting Performance and upcoming courses, visit http://www.shooting-performance.com.
About Shooting-Performance, Inc.:
Founded by award-winning, firearms and firearms training expert, Mike Seeklander, a Grandmaster and Distinguished Master, Shooting-Performance is all about taking it to the next level. Mike is the author of “Your Competition Handgun Training Program” and “Your Defensive Handgun Training Program” and the supporting DVD’s, cutting edge books that will take your shooting skills to the next level. For the blog, forum, free articles, and training videos, the store, or to buy a book that will make you a master shooter, visit the website. http://www.shooting-performance.com.