Ammunition Depot stands up for America’s Second Amendment Rights and access to ammunition.
Boca Raton, Fla. (April 30, 2018) – Ammunition Depot has joined the California Rifle & Pistol Association with support of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in filing a lawsuit challenging California’s restriction regarding the sale or transfer of ammunition. The lawsuit, titled Rhode et al v. Becerra, challenges California’s new ammunition sales restrictions as a violation of the Second Amendment and Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.
The restrictions California is imposing on their residents include not being permitted to order ammunition online and have it delivered to their place of residence or business. Proposition 63 mandates ammunition retailers to check with the Department of Justice to determine if a buyer is authorized to purchase. Individuals and businesses must obtain a 1-year license for the California Department of Justice to sell ammunition. Individuals must have any ammunition purchased online delivered to a firearms retailer in order to take possession of it. If ammunition is shipped from out of state, the California resident may be required to pay a transfer fee and, starting in 2019, will need to submit to a background check. There is a penalty for failure to follow the retailer licensing requirements
“These restrictions on the sale and transfer of ammunition in the state of California are a direct impingement on the rights and liberties of the residents of that state, and we at Ammunition Depot are committed to standing up for our customers and our Second Amendment rights,” Scott Blick, managing partner of Ammunition Depot said. “Shopping online offers our customers convenience, selection, great pricing and our uncompromising service, which we feel is the right of all citizens of the United States, including Californians.”
The Rhode et al v. Becerra suit will be the fourth lawsuit filed by CRPA attorneys with support from the NRA challenging the provisions of Proposition 63 and other “Gunmageddon” bills on the docket. Duncan v. Becerra has already succeeded in obtaining an injunction against Proposition 63’s ban on the possession of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Two other lawsuits, Rupp v. Becerra and Villanueva v. Becerra are challenging California’s “assault weapon” restrictions and registration requirements and are also seeing injunctions.
Ammunition Depot asks customers and anyone concerned about our Second Amendment Rights to stay informed and subscribe to the NRA and CRPA email alerts and visit the NRA-ILA California dedicated webpage at www.StandAndFightCalifornia.com and the CRPA website at www.CRPA.org.
For additional information on the complaint filed, click here.
For more information go to https://www.crpa.org/programs/volunteers-grassroots/ or send an email to volunteer@crpa.org.
About Ammunition Depot:
Ammunition Depot was founded by freedom-loving Americans committed to American’s right and responsibility to defend themselves, their families and their country. Ammunition Depot’s goal and promise is to provide to the American public high-quality ammunition at the lowest possible price with the best customer service they have ever experienced, period.
As Ammunition Depot has grown over the years, we have been able to create numerous jobs for hard-working Americans in our home state of Florida, as well as help many charities and foundations that support our troops, law enforcement, and the shooting sports. Our plan is to keep growing, keep creating jobs, keep giving, and keep Ammunition Depot strong so that we can deliver the same great products and same great service for decades to come. www.ammunitiondepot.com
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