The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) has announced a Police Response to Active Shooter Instructor Certification Track to be held during the 31st Annual Tactical Operations Conference & Trade Show, September 21st – 26th, 2014 at the Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center in Mobile, Alabama.
This 32-hour practical track, taught by Don Alwes, Wilmore (KY) PD, covers response tactics for active shooter threats from traditional (Level I) incidents to Mumbai and Beslan style terrorist (Level III) attacks. Responses ranging from a single officer to squad-size units will be taught. For information on equipment, please view the full course description.
Don Alwes is a trainer and consultant with 33 years of law enforcement experience. He has served as an adjunct instructor for Kentucky’s Department of Criminal Justice Training for 15 years. Alwes is a lead instructor for NTOA’s Police Response to Active Shooter and School and Workplace Violence courses. He has also instructed in the areas of terrorism, homeland security, firearms, tactics, vulnerability assessment and executive development. As a team leader, Alwes supervised and performed anti-terrorism assessments. He has served as a subject matter expert for projects sponsored by the NIJ and other agencies. He currently serves part-time with the Wilmore (KY) PD.
Registration for the 2014 NTOA Tactical Operations Conference and Trade Show is open to all active law enforcement officers. Active members of a state tactical association receive a $50 discount upon receipt of a state association ID via fax (215-230-7616) or email ( Send six officers from the same agency or multi-jurisdictional team and the seventh officer’s conference registration is free.
Register by July 31, 2014 to take advantage of the discounted registration fee. Registration fee includes practical tracks, seminars, vendor exhibition, SWAT Call Out Dinners and the annual Awards Banquet.
For more information on the National Tactical Officers Association visit www.ntoa.orgor call 800-279-9127.