A discussion on how law enforcement agencies should respond to incidents involving unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) will be held in Tallahassee, Florida, on July 21, 2017.
Doylestown, Pa. (April 2017) – The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) is proud to announce registration is open for its Policing and Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems seminar, to be held July 21, 2017, at the Florida Sheriff’s Association Training Center in Tallahassee, Florida. With the increasing number of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) throughout the United States, many local law enforcement agencies are finding themselves responding to prohibited, reckless and illegal operations by individuals using this dynamically changing technology. Law enforcement agencies need to understand how to respond to UAS incidents and the applicable federal, state and local regulations governing their use.
The first half of the seminar will teach participants how to build a response policy for their agency on unmanned and model aircraft incidents. The second half will focus on the integration of UAS into law enforcement operations. UAS are proving to be a reliable alternative to full aviation units and offer operational and tactical capabilities that manned aircraft cannot. This portion of the seminar will offer a broad overview for key decision-makers in the beginning stages of implementing a UAS program, as well as a brief overview of becoming a UAS operator.
Speakers include David Agata, a career law enforcement officer, SWAT team member and now tactical trainer, and Anthony Galante, who previously was the UAS Division director for the Daytona Beach Police Department, served as the director of training services for the Unmanned Safety Institute and is currently an assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Individual member cost is $89, team member cost is $114 and non-member cost is $144. To register, visit http://www.ntoa.org/uav-seminar/.
Keep updated on the latest seminar announcements by following the NTOA on Facebook and Twitter.
For more information on the National Tactical Officers Association, visit www.ntoa.org or call 800-279-9127. Join the NTOA today and start receiving the benefits of better training and stay on top of the ever-changing and challenging world of law enforcement.
About the National Tactical Officers Association:
The mission of the NTOA is to enhance the performance and professional status of law enforcement personnel by providing a credible and proven training resource as well as a forum for the development of tactics and information exchange. The association’s ultimate goal is to improve public safety and domestic security through training, education and tactical excellence. www.ntoa.org.