I would be remiss if I did not mention that the tragedy of Sandy Hook still lingers and will overshadow the upcoming holidays for many people; those families affected and the rest of our nation. Incredibly, with grief still in our hearts, many people started the finger pointing and the gun industry (again) has been blamed as the bad guy. I will not provide you with my rant here, but instead something positive.
We at LBM would like to commend Rob Pincus for reaching out beyond our industry and providing important information and training to teachers, children and people that want nothing to do with guns but may one day have to rely on one to save their life. Rob Pincus, firearms industry professional and renowned firearms and security trainer, is tackling the issues of school attacks upon our children, or what happens if a non-gun person is involved in an active shooter situation. He provides invaluable information to anyone concerned. Please check out his latest videos and make sure all of your non-gun friends see these too. Education is empowering.