If it’s entertaining, interesting or controversial, you can bet you’ll find it every Friday in our social media wrap-up, the Social Media Reload. Continue below to see what you may have missed.
Have you ever been asked if you “caught anything” when hunting? Catchin’ Deers knows the struggle and feels your pain, and now they’re here to help! A new hunting lifestyle brand where every hunter is pro staff (if you enjoy memes, you’ll enjoy that link), Catchin’ Deers is standing up to this “phony phrasing not by lashing out, but embracing it for the ridiculousness it is.” Watch their new commercial above, complete with tackling a deer archery target, Uncle Bob, a vegan who drives a Prius, delayed explosions and a guy taking a leak. So if your favorite color is camo and you do the laundry every day in November, grab yourself a Catchin’ Deers hat and fight the battle against terrible terminology this hunting season. (via Outdoor Hub)
It’s Product Marketing 101, get your product into the hands of influencers and consumers. With the release of its new Saint AR-15 rifle, Springfield Armory did just that, organizing an event for media that would put both industry journalists and rifle to the test. Appropriately titled “Popper Palooza,” Springfield Armory set up 100 steel targets and gave everyone 120 rounds to knock them down, the fastest time winning a new rifle. While set up as a competition, the event was really about the Saint and its ability to perform after dozens of mag dumps. In the end, (spoiler alert) Grant of M4Carbine.net won with a time of 61.99 seconds, but even he comes second to Funker Tactical’s Rob Leatham. (via GunsAmerica) [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs2l6fU-RM0?rel=0] IT’S MEAT SEASON
When Arby’s launched their We Have The Meats™ campaign more than two years ago in the summer of 2014, hyping its selection of “at least eight different meats,” the (delicious) fast food menu was missing one of America’s staples—venison. However, all that changed this week with Arby’s new Venison Sandwich, made from free-range, farm-raised red deer in New Zealand, just in time for hunting season. “Hunters hunt the meats, and we have the meats, so it makes sense for us to connect with them and offer a sandwich that they can’t get at any other restaurant chain,” said Rob Lynch, CMO and Brand President of Arby’s. Launched at 17 select locations, stores in Tennessee sold out of the new sandwich within hours with hunters driving hours just to try it. Excuse us while we wipe the drool from our chins. (via Outdoor Hub)
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