Gary Byerly (L) and Morgan Allen (R) of Team ITI claim their plaques.
Team International Training, Inc. (ITI) had an outstanding showing at the Mountaineer IDPA Classic 2011, held in Boone, NC August 20th, 2011. Gary Byerly was crowned CDP Division Champion and High Overall, while teammates Morgan Allen and Laura Torres-Reyes took home 2nd place ESP Division and High Lady, respectively. This was Allen’s first match back since May when he underwent surgery to repair a broken wrist.
Byerly’s final score was 115.03. He commented, “The 2nd Annual Mountaineer IDPA Classic continued its tradition of fast and furious stages in a picturesque setting. Ten courses of fire with multiple options led to much discussion between my teammate Morgan Allen and myself. Targets from 3 yards to 35 yards offered an opportunity to check my training progress for the upcoming World Shoot. Match conditions are where your training is validated. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the excellent staff!”
Allen placed a respective second in the ESP Division with a score of 121.39. Allen reflected on his performance at his first match since his wrist surgery: “It’s great to return to the game through a match several teammates also happen to be attending. Training as a team, exchanging ideas, opportunities for improvement, match strategy, etc. – it all adds up to a reminder that while personal initiative and drive mean a lot, teams add another layer of value one person alone cannot.”
Torres-Reyes continues her High Lady reign with a final score of 153.76.
“The match was very straight forward and fun to shoot. For me, my favorite stage was a 35 yard shot on a target that had a non-threat and hard cover in front of it,” commented Torres-Reyes. “Due to my recent training at ITI, I approached it with confidence, and was thrilled when I shot it zero down. The cheer from my wonderful squad mates, and a nearby squad of my ITI teammates, was priceless!”
Full match results for the Mountaineer IDPA Classic 2011 can be viewed at the Watauga IDPA website.
Torres-Reyes’ can next be seen competing at the IDPA Patriot Match, held in Lewiston, PA August 27th – 28th, 2011. Byerly can be seen in the 2011 EGW Area 8 Championship, held at the Fredericksburg Rod & Gun Club in Fredericksburg, VA September 1-5, 2011. Allen’s next competition will be Texas State IDPA Championship 2011, held in Hempstead, TX September 4th, 2011.
Follow Team ITI on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeamITI
Watch videos of ITI on YouTube: www.youtube.com/wwwitiwsicom