Ashley Burgess, Senior MARCOM Manager for Laura Burgess Marketing, has now become a certified Social Media Specialist from Social Media Magic University, an online university known for their social media coursework.
In 2009, Burgess took the five-week intensive online course, paneled by the industry’s leading social media experts, where she learned, among other topics:
- How to choose the right social media sites and tools for an organization’s needs and best tactics to use
- How to get started and how to support your social media campaign
- Top 10 Keys to Social Media Marketing success
- How to create and setup a highly effective and optimized profile
- How to use Social Media to attract top paying, high-end clients
Burgess was brought on board with Laura Burgess Marketing in July 2009 to implement a social media optimization package to offer to current and potential clients, primarily focused on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube (other sites are available, please contact LBM for more details).
Social Media exploded within the past few years and has gone far beyond the average high school or college student using it to keep up to date with friends. It has stepped into the ring with traditional media as a new platform to help raise awareness and build brand strength for businesses. As the Gen Y and Millennial generation move into the work force and increase their buying power in our economy, it is imperative that companies speak their language. We truly believe that if a company does nothing to tap into this new media platform, they will be left in the dust as the years progress. That’s why we at Laura Burgess Marketing felt it was important to offer a Social Media Optimization package to our current and potential client base. There are many people out there who want to tap into Social Media, but just don’t know how to. We’re here to help.