Hurricane Irma lashed out across Florida, leaving behind a trail of destruction and millions without power.
Deerfield Beach, Fla. (September 2017) – DNA Labs International, a private forensic laboratory in Broward County, Florida, is pleased to announce that it has come out the other end of Hurricane Irma unscathed and is fully operational and open for business. While Hurricane Irma unleashed high winds and flooding across much of Florida, Deerfield Beach was fortunate to be minimally impacted, aside from fallen branches and brief loss of power. DNA Labs International had their power turned back on Monday, Sept. 11 and is 100 percent fully functional and operational and ready to help clients solve cases.
“Thanks to our dedicated staff, we were well prepared for Hurricane Irma. Our building is built to withstand a Category 5 storm so we sustained little damage. We are very grateful that Florida Power and Light had us up and running with power Monday after Irma, and the City of Deerfield Beach had all debris cleared quickly from the roads. Our hearts go out to all of the Caribbean and Floridians that were less fortunate and have been affected by this terrible hurricane,” remarked Kirsten Charlson, DNA Labs International’s president.
To learn more about DNA Labs International’s capabilities, visit http://dnalabsinternational.com/. Stay up to date on the latest in forensics by following DNA Labs International on Facebook and LinkedIn.
About DNA Labs International:
Since 2004, DNA Labs International has been providing clients with exceptional quality service based on open communications, equal attention to the importance of every case and accurate and reliable results every time. They provide the latest technology available to solve cases; such as the M-VAC®, a wet vacuum DNA collection tool and STRmix®, a software program that can solve previously inconclusive DNA results. They can now achieve comparable DNA results from spent shell casings! DNA Labs International is accredited by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), the country’s longest established provider of ISO 17025 accreditation to Forensic Sciences testing laboratories in the U.S. www.dnalabsinternational.com