Eagle Imports, Inc., the exclusive distributor of Metro Arms, SPS, Bersa, Comanche and Grand Power firearms products, is proud to announce that it has teamed up with GUNS Magazine to give away a Grand Power K100 9mm pistol in its January 2016 edition. Entries will be accepted through Feb. 1, 2016.
“The Grand Power K100’s ingenious design makes any shooter better. If you haven’t shot one yet, you’ve got to go pick one up. I think the low recoil and accuracy will really surprise you,” said Michael Sodini, president of Eagle Imports.
The K100 is Grand Power’s all-purpose gun. It has enhanced ergonomics that keep your hand and eye focused firmly on the target. Four interchangeable, easy-to-remove hand grips ensure you get the perfect grip. It has ambidextrous controls for easy handling. Its chassis is CNC machined out of steel with no MIM or cast components, making it reliable shot after shot. It boasts innovative features like a perfected and patented rotating barrel that never tilts up and never leaves the target, making for lighter recoil and better second shot accuracy. The trigger has a smooth DA pull and a light crisp SA pull for superior control.
In addition to the Grand Power K100, the winner will get a DPx’s H.E.S.T Original (short for Hostile Environment Survival Tool) built-tough 3.13-inch fixed blade, as well as Otis Technology FLUGZ hearing protection, which molds to the ear to create a personalized safety barrier. The total prize package is valued at $989.95.
To enter the contest go to www.gunsmagazine.com/giveaway.
For more info on Grand Power, visit https://grandpower.eagleimportsinc.com/grandpower/firearms.