Dry fire training is the best way to become familiar with a firearm and A-Zoom is the best choice.
Middletown, Conn. (April 2019) – Lyman® Products is pleased to announce the addition of A-Zoom StrikerCaps to their popular line of safety training, function testing and dry firing practice. For traditional snap cap dry fire practice in striker fire type pistols, the slide must be drawn back to cock the pistol, which then extracts and ejects the snap cap from the pistol. Lyman’s new A-Zoom StrikerCaps are made without a rim and are equipped with a centering O-ring which grips the chamber walls and keeps the snap cap in place in the chamber.
Trevor Mullen, VP of Global Marketing and Business Development for Lyman Products, explained, “You simply chamber the A-Zoom StrikerCap, then rack the slide to cock the pistol and the StrikerCap absorbs the firing pin hit just like our other standard A-Zoom Snap Caps. But the StrikerCap stays in place, so you can keep on practicing your trigger control and sight picture without having to stop your practice and find your snap cap and rechamber it.”
Using A-Zoom StrikerCaps while practicing dry firing or function testing a pistol after repair or cleaning will prevent damage to the firing pin and/or the barrel breech block with repeated trigger work. The A-Zoom StrikerCaps are precision machined from aluminum with a cushioned primer for repeated cycling and shaped exactly like an actual loaded round for accurate loading and feeding, yet finished in a bright training orange color to clearly discriminate it from a live round.
The new Lyman A-Zoom StrikerCaps are available for .380 Auto, 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP in two per packs starting at $8.98 retail.
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About Lyman® Products:
Lyman® Products, founded by avid outdoorsman, William Lyman, has been innovating firearms, reloading accessories and gear for over 140 years. Today, using advanced technologies, Lyman is in the forefront of meeting the needs of shooters and reloaders across the world. Whether pioneering the use of digital technology in reloading tools or reintroducing “antique” calibers and bullet molds, Lyman continues to improve and innovate the tools and accessories used by serious shooters and reloaders.
Lyman products and brands are available nationally through firearms and sporting goods dealers and mail order companies. Pachmayr, TacStar, Trius Traps, A-Zoom Precision Snap Caps, Butch’s Gun Care and Targdots are also Lyman brands.