DNA Labs International’s first white paper uncovers how the M-VAC® System proves useful in difficult cases where very minor amounts of DNA are present over large surface areas.
Deerfield Beach, FL (March 2016) – DNA Labs International, a specialist in forensic casework for law enforcement agencies, attorneys and government forensic labs, today announced the release of its first white paper, titled “M-VAC®: A Superior DNA Collection Method,” by Christina Rentas, DNA Analyst at DNA Labs International.
DNA technology has become more sensitive over the years with an increase in the number of samples that laboratories are receiving with request for DNA analysis on “touch” DNA samples. In the white paper, Rentas details how the M-VAC® System was created to improve results from touch DNA samples and how it has proved to be a very useful tool while screening evidence, especially in cases where very minor amounts of DNA are present over a large surface area.
Validated by DNA Labs International, the M-VAC® System has been in use since 2014. Rentas highlights the M-VAC® system’s usefulness by citing three cases where the system was used and proved instrumental in either solving homicide or burglary cases. By using the M-VAC® System, DNA profiles were generated that were not possible to obtain when other screening methods were utilized.

M-VAC® System
The M-VAC® System is an advanced wet-vacuum sampling device that improves DNA collection, leading to a stronger DNA profile. The M-VAC® System has the potential to dramatically improve surface sampling capabilities in nearly every scenario. It has been successful in many circumstances, especially sampling touch DNA from clothing.
Download the full report for free here.
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About DNA Labs International:
Since 2004, DNA Labs International has been providing clients with exceptional quality service based on open communications, equal attention to the importance of every case and accurate and reliable results every time. DNA Labs International is proudly built on 30 years of experience in forensic serology and DNA analysis – from identification of biological fluids to DNA analysis. They provide the latest technology available to solve your case; such as the M-VAC®, a wet vacuum DNA collection tool and STRmix®, a software program that can solve previously inconclusive DNA results. DNA Labs International is accredited by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), the country’s longest established provider of ISO 17025 accreditation to Forensic Sciences testing laboratories in the U.S. www.dnalabsinternational.com
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