The buzz about Social Media is everywhere these days. Celebrities, everyday people, businesses and even our President have been getting into the game. If you’ve been hoping that it was all a passing fad or trend that soon would end, it’s time to take your head out of the sand.
Social Media has officially become a legitimate and a valued part of our working lives. In January 2010, Facebook surpassed Yahoo as the second most visited website in the US behind Google. It drew some 133.62 million unique visitors, while Yahoo came in with 132 million . Twitter has produced a year-over-year growth of more than 1,000%. This past January it drew 73.5 million unique visitors compared with 6 million unique visitors in January 2009 of last year.
The bottom line is if you’ve chosen to “opt out” of Social Media because you don’t think your target market is there, then it is time to re-evaluate. No matter what industry you are in, you are likely to find your target market participating and perhaps actively discussing your product in Social Media. In the case of Shooting Sports the discussion is often intense and detailed as everyone has an opinion. If you aren’t there to join the conversation, you are missing prime opportunities to influence your market and receive valuable feedback at the same time. It is also a huge opportunity to place a humane face on your business and show that you care about and respond to customers in real time.
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