Gone are the days of newspapers, magazines and network television. Social media is today’s top source for news, entertainment and information. But with the quick pace of trending topics and 140-character updates, unless you live online, you’re bound to miss something. Luckily for you, that’s my job. The Social Media Reload features the most popular, interesting, entertaining and controversial content in the firearms and outdoors industry from the past week and repackages it into a quick list with a bang. Read on and see what you missed this week.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11uEvGc7u8] KNOB CREEK MACHINE GUN SHOOTLike Bonnaroo for music fans, there’s no better firearms event than the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in Louisville, KY. Held twice a year, typically the first weekend of April and October, the Shoot brings out dealers, collectors and enthusiasts from all over the country for three days of shooting, dealer displays, competitions and a spectacular Saturday Night Shoot with one, and only one, objective—destroy everything down range. This year, Guns.com attended the event and was given special permission to fly a drone over the night shoot that resembled a battle scene from “Star Wars,” capturing every tracer round and explosion. How long until April? (via Guns.com) [facebook url=”https://www.facebook.com/darin.damme/videos/10153245962073366/” /] AN EMOTIONAL FIRST ELK HUNT
Part of the joy of going hunting with your son or daughter is seeing their reaction. However, for Darin Damme, he never thought his son, Eli, would react quite like this. After being drawn for a Jr. Elk Hunt, Eli was determined to not only get what would be his first elk, but bag one on opening day. Hiking up 9300 ft. into Arizona’s White Mountains, the father and son team tracked a herd before singling out a cow for Eli, who took aim and made a perfect shot. Recorded just as perfectly on video, Darin and Eli exchange tears, fist-bumps and “I love you’s” as the incredible moment unfolded. “It’s a memory neither of us will ever forget,” Darin said on Facebook. (via Outdoor Hub)
In 1994, it was estimated the average American household owned 4.1 guns. More than 20 years later, that estimate has now doubled to 8.1, according to new Wonkblog (Washington Post) estimates based on data from surveys and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Of course, it’s important to understand that these numbers are both averages and estimates. Not only is there wiggle room in the data, but the data itself could be skewed, as a 2006 study found that the top 20 percent of gun owners owned 65 percent of America’s firearms. However, what the data shows that cannot be refuted or ignored is the nation’s growing gun culture and strong support for the Second Amendment. (via Washington Post)
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