In response to several new state requirements mandating mental health training as part of concealed carry certifications, Walk the Talk America has created a comprehensive video for firearms instructors.
Las Vegas, Nev. (April 2024) – Walk The Talk America (WTTA), a non-profit organization bridging the gap between mental health and responsible firearm ownership, proudly announces the launch of a new mental health training video. Specifically tailored for firearms instructors to integrate into their classes and for individual gun owners seeking to enhance their mental well-being, this resource fills a crucial gap in firearm safety education. The comprehensive video offers expert insights and practical advice across seven key chapters. It is available to watch at https://walkthetalkamerica.org/firearm-instructors-mental-health-resource-videos/.
“We became aware through firearms instructors that certain states like California, Maryland, and New York were implementing mandates for an hour-long training on mental health and suicide prevention as part of obtaining concealed carry certifications. However, it was evident that these states lacked clear recommendations for suitable training courses. Recognizing this gap, we took the initiative to develop a comprehensive solution. Our video resource is designed to cover all essential aspects, providing instructors with a ready-made tool to facilitate instruction without the need to delve into unfamiliar topics. This underscores our commitment to addressing critical issues within the firearms community and society at large, emphasizing our dedication to responsible firearm ownership and broader societal well-being,” said Michael Sodini, founder and CEO of WTTA.
The video opens with an introduction by Sodini, setting the stage for what unfolds next. Across seven chapters, it delves into a spectrum of critical topics, ranging from understanding one’s mental processes and acknowledging personal biases to ensuring responsible firearm storage and managing access to firearms. Guiding each section are seasoned professionals like Kevin Dixie, complemented by esteemed board members of WTTA such as Jake Wiskerchen, a seasoned marriage and family therapist, and Rob Pincus, a distinguished expert in firearm training. Their expertise equips viewers with invaluable tools, techniques, and resources to bolster mental well-being and advocate for responsible firearm ownership. Whether you’re a novice gun owner or a seasoned instructor, this video serves as an indispensable resource for comprehending the intersection of mental health and responsible firearm usage.
Sodini recently sat down on the Firearm Trainer’s Podcast S7E01 “Videos for Mental Health” to discuss the new video created for instructors to meet and exceed state mandates. Listen to the podcast for a more detailed discussion about the video: https://www.firearmtrainerpodcast.com/2024/03/04/s7e01-videos-for-mental-health/.
Walk the Talk America is currently looking for sponsors for their chapters, and they offer the opportunity to feature your business’s logo at the beginning of each chapter video. Additionally, they welcome individuals who want to make small contributions to support their cause. If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a sponsor or a supporter, please email them at admin@wtta.org.
About Walk the Talk America:
WTTA, the brainchild of Sodini, a firearms industry veteran, spearheaded a movement within the firearms industry to bridge the gap between mental health and responsible firearm ownership to reduce suicide by firearm and gun violence. Through educational programs, podcasts, and training programs, WTTA is paving the way for educating mental health professionals about gun culture and breaking down the negative stigmas around mental health for gun owners. Through its various programs and offerings, such as mental health videos for firearms instructors, instructional flyers and slides for firearms instructors, classes in Cultural Competence, and Introductory Courses in The Intersection of Guns and Mental Health, WTTA is leading the conversation and opening doors throughout the firearms and mental health industries. https://walkthetalkamerica.org/