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PR Trends and Social Media Buzz

What is Social Media?

The dawn of a new era has begun. Traditional media methods – magazine articles, press releases, trade shows, etc. – are no longer the only meaningful tools in a marketer’s tool box. Social Media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn, to name a few, are on the rise and becoming powerful tools to help drive customer loyalty, improve feedback and innovations, cement brand image and propel companies expertise in their field.

So what is Social Media? The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) defines it as a way to “speak to a new way of understanding how individual users are interacting with branded content via online publishers, social networks, blogs, and applications.”[1]  In essence, social media is the new medium to cut out the middle man and interact directly with your target market.

To learn more about what social media is all about,  read our white paper on “Social Media in Business: How to Harness and Use its Power to Benefit Your Brand.”

[1] Source: Interactive Advertising Bureau, Social Media Ad Metrics Definitions Report 2009,