The American Warrior Society, founded by Mike Seeklander, founder and CEO of Shooting-Performance, offers firearms owners a unique training membership program designed to engage, educate, and expand a firearms owner’s knowledge and skillset tool kit.
Owasso, Okla. (October 2020) – Mike Seeklander, CEO and founder of Shooting-Performance, a full-service training company, co-founded the American Warrior Society, a unique online membership training platform offering extensive learning modules, articles, forums, and feeds for gun owners serious about defensive firearms training.
The American Warrior Society’s membership allows students to train based on their skill level and grow at their own speed. This go-to defensive shooting training resource offers the student a large resource of training programs that will prepare the student to survive a deadly encounter. Students can grow their skillset at their own pace in any of the offerings that include Combatives, Medical, and Tactical Skills in handgun, rifle, and shotgun usage. Whereas most training courses cost over $400 to attend for a one, two, or three-day firearms training course, the American Warrior Society courses provide access 24/7/365 at an annual cost equivalent to a single training course.
“With membership, you will be able to continually build onto your skillset by training more frequently, instead of taking one or two courses and hoping you remember all the information that was thrown at you in that short time, you’ll have the option of being able to watch a video over and over until you feel comfortable with a new skill, and you’ll be able to build on previous training,” Mike Seeklander explained.
Included in the membership program are over 250 training videos, monthly new exclusive training videos, a members-only private Facebook group, and discounts on training books and DVDs.
“The purpose of the American Warrior Society is to help gun owners train with the firearm they either carry every day or use for home defense. We encourage practice at home and on the range. Our coursework will keep you motivated and through our extensive and varied training programs, you will take your firearms skills to the next level and have the confidence and skill set to protect the ones you love,” Mike Seeklander commented.
To find out more about membership at the American Warrior Society, visit www.americanwarriorsociety.com. Try it out for free for 14 days, then it is only $27.00 a month.
For more information on Shooting Performance and upcoming courses, visit http://www.shooting-performance.com.
About Shooting-Performance, Inc.:
Founded by award-winning, firearms and firearms training expert, Mike Seeklander, a Grandmaster and Distinguished Master, Shooting-Performance is all about taking it to the next level. Mike is the author of “Your Competition Handgun Training Program” and “Your Defensive Handgun Training Program” and the supporting DVD’s, cutting edge books that will take your shooting skills to the next level. For the blog, forum, free articles, and training videos, the store, or to buy a book that will make you a master shooter, visit the website. http://www.shooting-performance.com.