Beauty is now in the hands of the beholding with these new stunning 1911 grips.
Middletown, Conn. (April 2019) – Lyman® Products introduces the Pachmayr Alume Series grips by Raffir for the 1911. A master of materials, both natural and composite, Raffir, a Danish company with over a decade of experience in developing and treating materials reaching new plateaus of aesthetics and durability for a variety of products including the Pachmayr Alume grips for 1911 pistols.
Trevor Mullen, VP of Global Marketing and Business Development for Lyman Products, explained, “The depth and patterns Raffir achieves in their Alume products is truly amazing. The Pachmayr Alume grips are the ultimate bling for your treasured 1911, but don’t be fooled, these beauties are virtually indestructible.”
The material used in making the Raffir Alume grips is a composite with aluminum mesh encapsulated in a transluscent epoxy resin. The material has a unique 3-D dimensional texture with contrasts between satin light grey aluminum and deep colored, semi-transparent resin. Pachmayr is offering this beautiful new material in 5 different stunning colors for your 1911: black, blue, brown, green and red. The high-gloss, polished finish is almost indestructible and is impervious to water, weather and chemicals, while maintaining its elegant and sophisticated style.
The new Pachmayr Alume Grip Series for 1911’s are available in Dark Knight, Emerald Rush, Blue Storm, Crimson Wave and Copper Canyon with an MSRP of $99.98
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About Lyman® Products:
Lyman® Products, founded by avid outdoorsman, William Lyman, has been innovating firearms, reloading accessories and gear for over 140 years. Today, using advanced technologies, Lyman is in the forefront of meeting the needs of shooters and reloaders across the world. Whether pioneering the use of digital technology in reloading tools or reintroducing “antique” calibers and bullet molds, Lyman continues to improve and innovate the tools and accessories used by serious shooters and reloaders.
Lyman products and brands are available nationally through firearms and sporting goods dealers and mail order companies. Pachmayr, TacStar, Trius Traps, A-Zoom Precision Snap Caps, Butch’s Gun Care and Targdots are also Lyman brands.