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NY Post Finally Tells An Unpopular Myth

By November 2, 2011March 14th, 2018No Comments

As a former Invisible Fenc executive, you come to understand the truth and myths about the pet world.  ASPCA is almost a  hoax when it comes to really helping animals because their funds don’t really go to the local shelters and the United State Humance Society is just down right misleading. It’s nice to see that some in the mainstream media have begun reporting on the true agenda of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  Last week the New York Post ran a story highlighting how HSUS spends the contributions of its supporters. Spoiler Alert: It’s not on the animals …

 “HSUS’s advertisements employ the images of downtrodden dogs and cats to tug at the heart strings and wallets of America’s pet lovers. But CCF’s new analysis finds HSUS is a “Humane Society” in name only, sharing a meager $527,566, or 0.4 percent of its $120 million budget with sheltering organizations nationwide in 2010. In the same year, HSUS spent $47 million in fundraising-related costs (37 percent of its total budget) and put $32 million in hedge funds.”

 Read the full article here:

 Learn more about HSUS here: